Há muita coisa que me arrependo de ter feito, algumas decisões erradas, algumas experiências fracassadas... mas nada ao nível do processo de branqueamento realizado pelo Sr. Michael Jackson.
É que ser preto está tão na moda que o Michael deve estar com o galo de todo o tamanho.
Possivelmente de noite, enquanto está deitado na sua redoma de vidro que o protege do ar e o impede de derreter, só pensa em como juntar dinheiro para reverter todo o processo.
Diria que agora será muito tarde.
Até já houve quem escrevesse, em jeito de Inimigo Público, uma falsa notícia sobre o grande galo do Michael.
Eu sei que não é de bom tom isto de pretos e brancos... mas o humor nunca foi de etiquetas.
Por isso cá vai:
Why Michael Jackson Regrets Whitening
Black is in vogue right now. You've got the first black president, Barack Obama, the first black Grand Prix winner, Lewis Hamilton, the most in-demand black actor, Will Smith and the world's most successful black golfer, Tiger Woods. And then there's Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson is said to be currently seeking to to get back his blackness because of the current popularity of black celebrities, politicians, sportsmen and women.
"These are hard times for Michael. He can't help feeling like he made the wrong decision by undergoing the intensive whitening treatment all those years ago. Now that black people are really coming into their own Michael has been left by the wayside and is fearful of being left behind," Michael's spokesman, Ed Hurlahee, disclosed on an MTV program yesterday.
Black is the new black
The bankrupted Michael Jackson may now have to stay 'white' because he has run out of cash to reverse the de-colourization process he went through in the 80's.
Michael is said to be very sad he is now a whitey and does not have any chance of coming back in the current black climate.
Every celebrity and top person is now black. Michael is white. (...)
Looks like Michael is going to have to wait for awhile until he attempts to make his come-back if ever. It is almost certainly correct that he regrets his fateful decision all those years ago.
By Billie Jean (LOL) In www.dailysquib.co.uk
Moral da história: a vida dá cá cada volta!
1 comment:
Moral da história: Michael Jackson é um troca tintas com tendências doentias, musicalmente genial.
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